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My Favorite Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size Resources

You asked and I listened! Here is a list of resources for all things Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size (HAES), and body acceptance. This list includes who to check out on Instagram, book suggestions, podcasts, and where to find up-to-date research. This is in no way, shape, or form an exhaustive list, there are tons of other great resources out there! I wanted this to only include my favorites with just a short description of each to keep it from being overwhelming! I would love to keep this list going- if there is someone or something that you think I missed, please let me know! 


Intuitive Eating/ Health At Every Size Practitioners on Instagram:

·     Evelyn Tribole @evelyntribole Evelyn is a dietitian, the co-author of Intuitive Eating and is relatively new to Instagram, but still killin’ it! She breaks down the principles, shares the latest research, and provides practical Intuitive Eating exercises. She is also an avid ping-pong player with the most contagious laugh!

·     Cara Harbstreet @streetsmart.rd Cara is a Registered Dietitian that combines humor with her non-diet approach. Her posts feature food and her sassy (science-backed) Twitter posts. 

·     Alissa Rumsey @alissarumseyrd Is the first Intuitive Eating dietitian that I followed on Instagram! Alissa focuses on intuitive eating and body acceptance. Check out her series on “Women Eating Food”!

·     Lauren Newman @gofeedyourself Lauren is a dietitian and an expert in managing diabetes and disordered eating all from a weight-inclusive lens! Her content is to the point, easy to understand, and extremely helpful.

·     Taylor Wolfram @taylorwolframrd Taylor is not only an Intuitive Eating/HAES dietitian but an ethical vegan. She includes some tasty-looking vegan food along with exploring the intersection of plant-based eating with Intuitive Eating. 

·     Angela @angelaw_nutrition Angela is a friend of mine! She is also a plant-based Intuitive Eating dietitian. Her focus is on assisting those with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and PCOS, all from a non-diet approach. 

·    Danila Soto @your.latina.nutritionist is a bilingual Anti-Diet dietitian that encourages women to celebrate their Latina culture and break free from dieting. She has a great sense of humor, is passionate about her work, and makes some mean-looking food on IG!


Fat Positive/ Body Acceptance favs on Instagram:

·     Kimmie Singh: @bodypositive_ dietitian Kimmie is a dietitian working in the realm of eating disorders, Intuitive Eating, and PCOS. She calls out weight stigma and explains the social justice roots of the HAES movement. 

·     Amee Severson: @amee_rd Amee is a dietitian that posts powerful one-liners centered around body positivity and disordered eating treatment. Her posts are very well said and digestible. 

·     Lindsay & Lexie Kite @beauty_redefined these are two powerhouse twins with PhDs that fight for body image resilience. They call out weight stigma in the media and highlight the nuances of body positivity. 

·     Ashlee Bennett @bodyimage_therapist Ashlee is a counselor that specializes in body image, internalized fatphobia, trauma and more. She asks thought-provoking questions surrounding trauma, pleasure, body image, and diet culture. 

. Jessamyn Stanley @mynameisjessamyn is an author, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, and your new friend on IG! She is raw & real in her posts ranging from body liberation, issues with race & capitalism, cannabis advocacy, and much more.

·     Megan Crabbe @bodyposipanda okay so maybe everyone already knows Megan! Her page is full of fun and colorful photos centered around body positivity, she brightens up my feed!



·     Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole & Elise Resch. With its first edition from 1995 and soon coming out with the 4thedition in June 2020. This is where it all began for Intuitive Eating! It outlines the 10 guiding principles, the research behind Intuitive Eating, and a lot more. This book is a must-read!

·     The Intuitive Eating Workbook, by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch. This workbook is for someone who wants to take the concepts of Intuitive Eating and put them into practice. This workbook offers a variety of activities and prompts to assist you in cultivating a more peaceful relationship with food and body image. This workbook + working with a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor can be a fantastic way to start your Intuitive Eating journey.

Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Roots of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings. An amazingly thorough and academic read evaluating the origins of body ideals throughout history. This book sheds a light on the racist, sexist, classist roots of anti-fat bias.

 The F*ck It Diet by Caroline Dooner. Are you ready to give up dieting? Do you love a little sassy sarcasm? (Me too!) This book is a fun read while dropping mad truth bombs on the fundamental issues of dieting. She also offers her perspective on a solution, that is much like Intuitive Eating, reiterating that there is no such thing as perfect Intuitive Eating and avoiding the “hunger/fullness diet”. 

·     Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN. I have to admit I haven’t read this one yet…But I have heard such great things from so many trusted RDs, so it still needed to make the list. Just the tagline alone is gold: Reclaim your time, money, wellbeing, and happiness through Intuitive Eating. I’ve heard this book to be described as the exposés of diet culture and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy!



·     Food Psych speaking of Christy Harrison, she has an amazing podcast with over 200 episodes to date. She interviews a variety of guests all centered around HAES, body positivity while calling out diet and wellness culture. She speaks about her own relationship with food, answers listener questions, and has covered a wide variety of topics. 

·     Food Heaven by RDs Wendy Lopez & Jessica Jones. This podcast feels like you are chatting with a couple of your best friends. Wendy & Jess cover a wide variety of topics from cooking, mental health, physical health, Intuitive Eating, HAES, and much more. 

·     RD Real Talk by Heather Caplan RD. I think this is a fantastic resource for my fellow dietitians. Heather has a variety of guests that work with a weight-inclusive lens, she covers HAES (I recommend listening to her series on HAES- reviewing each principle), Intuitive Eating, body image, and more. 

·     Intuitive Bites by Kirsten Ackerman RD. Kristen’s podcasts feature shorter episodes where she asks her guest a specific question about things like diet culture, Intuitive Eating, or body image. I find she is energetic & gets straight to the point! Fun fact she was in the same dietetic internship as my bestie Chelsea. 



·     For all things, Intuitive Eating check out:  https://www.intuitiveeating.org/resources/studies/

·     Association for Size Diversity and Health includes great resources on HAES & up to date research: https://www.sizediversityandhealth.org/content.asp?id=34


 I hope this resource list is helpful as you navigate the tricky seas of food, nutrition, and body image. Give yourself a pat on the back for broadening your horizons and looking into these resources! If you have been on the diet train just looking into this topic is a big first step! I hope this can guide you to some Intuitive Eating/HAES warriors that really resonate with you!


3/16/2022: Note this blog has been updated to remove outdated works & add in new resources that have been aiding my own deeper dive into body liberation and dismanteling diet culture.