21st Century RD: Virtual Nutrition Therapy

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Freezable Black Bean Burgers

These are simple, filling, and really really yummy! I normally try to follow black bean burger recipes and they turn out bland or fall apart. So, I took matters into my own hands! Though I haven’t tried these sucker on the grill but they do not fall apart on the stove top! 

P.S taco seasoning recipe can be found on my “Taco Tuesday” blog post. 


·     2 cans drained, rinsed, and pat dried black beans

·     About 2 cups panko bread crumbs

·     2 eggs

·     1 large grated carrot

·     1 small diced onion

·     1 small diced bell pepper

·     ½ cup frozen corn

·     2 tbsp taco seasoning 



1.    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2.    Sauté corn, pepper, onion and carrot until the onion is translucent. Mix in taco seasoning.

3.    Remove 1 cup of black beans and set aside.

4.    Mash the remaining black beans with the 2 eggs, until well mixed. Mix in 1.5 cups of bread crumbs, the veggies, and whole black beans. 

5.    If your mixture is too wet (hard to make patties) then add in additional bread crumbs. 

6.    Form patties (should make about 7-8 regular sized). I added some remaining bread crumbs to the outside for a slight crispiness, but this is optional. 

7.    Place burgers on wax paper lined cookie sheet, and bake for about 15 minutes. 

8.    Remove, let cool, then these are ready to store in the freezer. 

9.    To reheat simply pan fry on the stove at medium-low heat.